Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I was amazed.

The sounds of thunder within your eyes

was a total revelation to my thoughtfulness.

How can you stare at me with such fireworks?

Don't you see I'm a disrupted girl,

distracted with silly sounds down the streets?

I was amazed, nonetheless.

I could watch finally my skin boundaries

just as they are. There were complete gardens

of questions and unexplored deserts.

You saw them all and smiled

as if you were watching the whole of the moon.

And you were amazed.

Cause deep beneath your islands you were naïve as well.

As if naiveness was something to be proud of.

For some reason we were both amazed

by the sound of our thoughts

bumping into each other's skin.

And, pure enough, happy enough and about to cry

we started chasing the little shooting star with no name

which visits our beds whenever we feel

not quite amazed and maybe quite jaded.

Not quite amazed and maybe frustrated

since we refuse to forget.

Forgetfulness is the amazement

by little kisses in the forehead

and the sunbeam games at dusk.//

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