Thursday, January 6, 2011

Prince of Caleidopia

There's a prince running countries

as little as bubbles

as ungraspable as airwaves

as powerful as shooting stars.

I met him in a dream and the dream

turned into flames in my eyes

and he was in front of my souls

stealing all things I knew back then.

This prince is nowhere like

anyone you've seen before.

He has brand new perspectives

protected by his glittering eyes.

And the tenderness of simple souls

like barefeet children with huge balloons.

They say that he is a magician,

but I've really seen him turn wild waves

of music into hugs, looks, moments

and little flowers intertwined

with memories.

He makes sounds rise from the ground

and fly to your desires.

And songs from ancient graves

come alive with his warm touch.

He is the magical musician.

He is Mr Caleidoheadphones,

the Prince of Caleidopia.

But I'm the only who sees him

and seeks him for I'm a victim

of his charms. Like a dream.

I've seen his midnight lights

and I'm in love, bewitched.

I've seen Caleidopia.

It is right within himself.

But I'm nothing like a princess,

he turns me into music,

beautiful music

everytime I kiss his lips,

everytime I'm by him

everytime I love him.//

1 comment:

Melvin Pointdexter III said...

You're the only music I want to hear forever.
